Tuesday 31 August 2010

Asked how the achievements of the past

Asked how the achievements of the past, when one, the master of style and said: let him past the last bar, if always complaining now, living in the past memories, also charged with this matter, anyway, the total past is good, because it will never never come back. When asked about the fashion industry will not be bored on the time, he smiled and answered: how can I really enjoyed this work, for a young age to live free is free, not hook bundle of Karl, the energetic, willing to express self may become fashionable in the field he dominated a big advantage this time, he repeatedly mentioned the impact of his mother, a word that is: Nothing is impossible (Addy should get Karl endorsement, endorsement fees but not low uh) is not Unfortunately, childhood, want to do it.video shoot is not ye, the sense of fragmentation of narrative, each scene is not very good continuity editing, giving a feeling of confusion, of course, for a documentary for a bit picky, and look at the process of creating a real fashion is still very enjoyable.

Monday 30 August 2010

Whatever I how kind of crying

Whatever I how kind of crying, how scolded, her boyfriend is still indifferent. because, I learned later, only to fuck Belle shoes, even her boyfriend to take his three colleagues in 3000 dollars. demon like Belle shoes , forced me to curse! have temporary suffocation, the pressure of cross gods, I did not dare to take over the boyfriend was still holding the Belle shoes, they seem to be a bomb would detonate as soon!That is really a paper bag to see her boyfriend holding the child thrown in front of me.

just out of the factory door, laughing and joking around female companions were fighting for the chance to see what is installed inside a paper bag. opens, a female colleague exclaimed my God, is Belle shoes ah! Zaiyi Kan price tag, a line thrown impressively above figures: 6500 yuan. ok, me and her boyfriend, so things went, it seems simply What did not happen.never seen such a big boyfriend on fire me, I angry, and pouted to her boyfriend, said:used shoes, often carrying the supermarket and filled plastic bags of things.when your feet just ahead of the Pacific brilliant gold wall, I have some head-hyun, nervous Mai Bukai legs. Here too bright, the air too incense, and the temperature is too low, and, that a piece beautiful clothes, fine shoes are too expensive, and completely unbelievable. boyfriend some embarrassment, I took his hand firmly, as if the use of such way, she said, there he was beside me, a gift than anything else. from the mall out, he even silent quiet, and on as I say son of fire, and he stared at the eyes, to question the tone said to me: The base pairs of shoes to earn 800 dollars, her boyfriend for night never eat supper supply company, the remaining 12 dollars to the snack food vouchers, available on the company's small shop to buy some toothpaste, soap and other bare necessities.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Ordinary people can catch up with the peace

Ordinary people can catch up with the peace, the need to worry, in fact very good. Do not believe you look at Africa, look at the Middle East to see the Lebanese-Israeli conflict, the people, all nervous, Nong Buhao moment on the breakup of life was not guaranteed. Therefore, at the beginning of that financial management, we must first thank our environment is peaceful and happy at least for now.

But the point here is that the older generation there are a lot of financial experience to our industriousness, frugality, and For example, the product family as if pricking soil, ruining sand like water will. This is saying that the image of the place. Now many young people believe that on so little money saved up is useless, might as well forget to eat and drink. Thus, peace of mind Duty on the may first require their own form this habit. a lot of people are married and in this way to fame and fortune. With starting point, you will have a start. at the right time, you can start slowly with the accumulation of their own rolling, so that their own financial pace faster and faster, accumulate more and more.

And if at first you do not have the idea, just the moon, then your house will be your favorite shoes, skirts, desserts, etc. consumed bit by bit, to the end you're still a nothing person. Do not envy other people to the rich, do not sigh my poor ability to rely on our own, be your own master. from scratch, soil from the pin challenge accumulation began to realize their dreams of wealth .